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fault principle中文是什么意思

用"fault principle"造句"fault principle"怎么读"fault principle" in a sentence


  • 过错原则
  • "fault"中文翻译    n. 1.过失,过错;罪过,责任。 2.缺点,缺陷,瑕疵 ...
  • "principle"中文翻译    n. 1.原理,原则。 2.主义;政策;〔常 pl.〕道 ...
  • "objective fault principle" 中文翻译 :    客观过错原则
  • "principle of liability without fault" 中文翻译 :    无过错责任原则
  • "by principle" 中文翻译 :    按照原则
  • "in principle" 中文翻译 :    原则上, 大体上; 原则上,基本上,大体上,一般而言
  • "of principle" 中文翻译 :    有原则的
  • "on principle" 中文翻译 :    根据原则,按照原则; 依照原则
  • "on the principle of" 中文翻译 :    根据…的原则
  • "principle" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.原理,原则。 2.主义;政策;〔常 pl.〕道义;节操。 3.本质,本体,根源;本原,源泉。 4.本性,本能;天然的性能;天赋的才能;动因,素因。 5.【化学】素,要素;精。 the principle of dividing to move and uniting to fight 【军事】分进合击原则。 the principles of political economy 政治经济学原理。 the first principle 第一原理,本体。 the first principle of all things 万物的本原。 a man of principle 有原则的人,正派人。 good [right, moral] principles 道义。 a vital principle 精力。 guiding principles 方针。 the bitter principle 【化学】苦味素。 the principle of causality 因果律。 the principle of contradiction 【逻辑学】矛盾律。 against one's principle 违反自己的原则。 as a matter of principle 作为原则的问题。 by principle 按照原则,原则上。 in principle 原则上,大体上。 of principle 有原则的。 on principle 按照原则,根据原则 (I refuse on principle 我拒绝是按原则办事[并无恶意])。 on the principle of 根据…的原则。 stick to one's principles 坚持原则。
  • "principle of will" 中文翻译 :    意思主义
  • "at fault" 中文翻译 :    感到困惑, 有故障; 有错; 有过失; 有毛病; 罪有应得
  • "fault" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.过失,过错;罪过,责任。 2.缺点,缺陷,瑕疵。 3.(猎狗的)失去嗅迹。 4.【电学】故障,误差;漏电;【地质学;地理学】断层。 5.【网球】发球出界;犯规。 Faults are thick where love is thin. 〔谚语〕一朝情义淡,样样不顺眼。 fault detection 【机械工程】探伤。 The fault is his own. 这是他自己的错。 a grave fault in a theory 理论上的重大缺陷。 a fault in the machine 机械故障。 image fault 【物理学】像差,影像失真。 numerical faults 数值误差。 a fault on the right side 因祸得福。 be at fault 1. (猎犬追捕猎物等时)失去嗅迹,踌躇不前;不知所措,正在为难。 2. 出毛病,有故障。 3. = in fault (My memory is at fault . 我想不起来了)。 find fault in 看出…缺点。 find fault with 找…的岔子。 have no fault to find with 无错可寻。 hit off a fault (猎狗)闻出(曾一度错失的)嗅迹。 in fault 有过错,有责任 (Who is in fault 是谁的不是?)。 to a fault 过度,极端 (He is kind to a fault. 他过分老实)。 whip a fault out of sb. 鞭打某人使之改过。 with all faults 不保证商品没有缺点。 without fault 〔古语〕无误,确实。 vi. 1.【地质学;地理学】产生断层;有断层余迹。 2.发球出界;犯规。 3.〔方言〕责备,挑剔。 4.〔古语〕犯错误,做错。 vt. 1.找…的岔子,挑剔;〔方言〕责备。 2.【地质学;地理学】使产生断层。 3.把…做错。 He faulted my speech in two ways. 他认为我的讲话有两点不妥。 fault one's performance 表演发生失误。
  • "in fault" 中文翻译 :    有过错
  • "no fault" 中文翻译 :    无过失
  • "to a fault" 中文翻译 :    过分地
  • "auditability principle principle of" 中文翻译 :    auditability可审计原则
  • "fault liability; liability for fault" 中文翻译 :    过错责任
  • "fault page fault" 中文翻译 :    中断过错页中断
  • "fault scarp(fault escarpment)" 中文翻译 :    断层崖
  • "heave fault; tear fault" 中文翻译 :    捩断层
  • "reversed fault(reverse fault)" 中文翻译 :    逆断层
  • "seissors fault differential fault" 中文翻译 :    剪断层
  • "transcurrent fault(transverse fault)" 中文翻译 :    横移断层
  • "a statistical principle" 中文翻译 :    统计学原理


  • This article holds that it has five requisites to constitute civil compensation for medical malpractice and that is fair to apply liability with presumed fault principle to medical malpractice cases
    医疗事故民事赔偿责任的构成为“五要件” ,其归责原则为过错推定责任原则。
  • The article analysed the definition of public utilities and the possible disputes , and believes that the principle of national indemnity caused by public utilities should be non - fault principle
  • In this thesis , the author mainly investigates the application of liability without fault principle and causation of epidemic disease in this kind of crime
  • The author thinks the ideal mode of chinese shoulder principle of state compensation liability should be a double structure with irregularity principle as main and no fault principle as supplement .
  • Last combing with the foreign situation , the paper summarizes and analyzes the advantages and shortcomings of fault principle , no fault principle and irregularity principle . the fourth part is the conclusion
  • Chapter 3 the discussion about the principle of imputation , constitution requirements and legal results of incidental obligation , pointing out that the principle of imputation should be fault principle
  • The third chapter mainly focuses on the civil indemnity liability originating from the securities manipulation . to begin with , the first part ascertains that such kind of torts generally trepasses on the object of so - called " pure economic interest ' mn next part , it demonstrates in detail the requisites with which would incur a civil damage liability . regarding the fault ( including both intention and negligence ) , it put forward a viewpoint that we should impose the civil liability upon manipulations of chinese securities market on the basis of constructive fault principle . about the question of iniuria ( wrong ) , the author studies two aspects , one is assumption of risk , the other is the model of determining iniuria and solutions proposed
    其中第一节首先明确了操纵市场这种侵权行为的客体即所谓“纯粹财产上利益” 。第二节具体阐明了操纵市场行为民事赔偿责任的构成要件。在过错部分提出要以推定过失责任原则为基础追究我国证券市场操纵行为的民事责任,违法部分研究了自甘冒险行为和违法认定模式及对策两个问题,其中违法认定模式是一个创新,对改变我国目前证券市场民事索赔必须先由证监会认定违法的机制给予了批判。
  • Discussion on the feasibility of taking fault principle as imputation principle , with research on the revolution of imputation principles in breaching contract and tort . hereafter the thesis compartmentalizes the liability scope into performing and ex - performing interest , suggesting the comprehensive application of two imputation principles into concurrence liability
  • In recognizing the responsibilities of hurts from adult students , with regard to the fact that the hurt - imposer is an adult student or a school worker , the writer puts forward the opinions based on the fault principle and the principle of " fault deduction " as well as the opinions that the hurt - imposing students should compensate for the hurts with their independent possession
  • This paper discussed constructive fault principle when it clarified connotation of “ unreal asset accreditation ” ; it clarified that the cause is neglecting the particularity of asset accreditation , on the basis of analyzing the legislation , justice and theory about the civil liability of asset accreditation agency
用"fault principle"造句  
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